at the opposite extreme

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at the opposite extreme

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:49:47
  • 双语例句


1. At one extreme there are people who come in and act as a member of the opposite sex, or as a machine or animal.

2. To be absorbed in self and in whatever engages us, whether we are laboring for our fellow beings or for god – to be wise in our own eyes reserved, and full of ourselves, troubled at the least thing that disturbs our self-complacency, is the opposite extreme.


3. Off-the-shelf software with prescribed features is at one extreme of the spectrum; custom development is at the opposite pole; and all combinations lay in between.

4. So, on node of a certain time, when male in the extreme of sufficient expressional how terrible, and when the behavior of itself of numerous team member and moral personal integrity are denounced ceaselessly, the public opinion of the mainstream begins to change direction, from protection turns to caution, criticism is severity even to censure, china male sufficient people muddled however like that sealed, think the public temporarily mood abreacts just, what they do not know is, effect is shown to fall in what destroy window effect, a wave of terrible opposite public opinion is being formed -- published to be aimed at when some media or cacique of a certain opinion male sufficient sharp criticism, and draw the netizen's resonance and response when, more more media, opinion cacique, countless netizens begin to be joined from each angle critically male in sufficient tide, male sufficient mad tide begins initiative form.

  • 临近词
At the same time, managers need to avoid swinging to the opposite extreme.(与此同时,管理人员需避免走向对立的极端。)
At the opposite extreme from the Melmans are people who seem to be genetically programmed to escape the problem.(与Melmans一家相反的极端例子是,那些遗传良好的人们应付这个问题似乎易如反掌。)
You can polarize into your opposite but will automatically experience the opposing thought form at some point, for any one swing to one extreme will result in a swing back to its opposite.(你能偏振进你的对立面,但将在某些点上自动地体验到另一面的思想形态,因为任何一个摆动到了任何一个极端都将摆回它相反的一端。)
At the opposite extreme, there is a cascade of drivel that starts with the CEO and flows down through everyone in the organisation.(在另一个极端,废话呈瀑布状,从首席执行官开始,一路往下流,组织中的每个人都难以幸免。)
Equally frustrating is the opposite extreme, where a driver sits at a red light for minutes even though there's no car in sight to take advantage of the intersecting green.(相反的情况同样令人沮丧,当绿灯通行方向没有任何车辆时,一个驾驶者却要在另一方向的红灯前等待数分钟。)
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